Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Originator

As I've mentioned in one of my early entries, the idea of visiting fifty new bars in the course of a calendar year is not new and is not mine. I got the idea reading through Yelp--a guy named Vlad had made it his mission for 2006, and I somehow ran across his list.

Since I'd spent most of 2006 training for the Nike Women's Marathon, I had spent a lot of antisocial nights at home sleeping. With work and training easing up in December, Vlad's mission sounded like a great idea for 2007. I knew plenty about restaurants in San Francisco, but tended to go to the same bars.

Just thought I'd cite my sources.

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Blogger angelina said...

did you notice that ALL his bars were in SF. All we were asking for was the Bay Area.

If not, up the bar amount since we are such wordly travelers. ;P

4:24 PM  

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