Joyce's #2 & #3 Redwood & Chalet

Redwood 2nd Street Saloon
316 W 2nd St.
Los Angeles, CA
posting just in time
This pirate themed bar downtown is home to a delightfully cheesy mermaid painting my bar hopping manager, Corazon, fell in love with. That was my highlight. Not bad, kinda interesting but perhaps just not my crowd? Can't put my finger on it. Maybe because there weren't really any pirates. Or pirate undies. I'd like some pirate undies. NBC was doing a little piece here while we were there. They serve food. It's kinda red.

1630 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
It does look like a chalet. Boulders, wood, exposed beams, and open booth tables give that ski lodge feel. Back-lit bar reminds you you're in LA. Surprisingly happening on a Thursday night, it was a good kind of crowded, lively. Located in Eagle Rock which apparently is LA's Daly City (ie: Filipino town)-about 75% filipino, 20% white in this bar, I met some English folks, including a girl who liked to grab boobs more than I do. Big ups to the bartender who was able to recommend my indecisive ass a new drink to add to my standard faves-makers and ginger.
I need to start bringing my own camera.
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